作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在项目管理方面

Chris is a passionate 敏捷 practitioner and a Waterfall professional.



待办事项优先级排序是一个关键的组成部分 敏捷产品开发. 然而, 当有多个涉众时,它可能会让人不知所措:它们都以异步方式独立地发出请求, while the 产品经理 spends long hours in one-on-one meetings, negotiating with them over what items will make it into the next sprint. 结果往往是浪费时间和资源.

弥合分歧,节省时间, 最好的解决方案是安排优先级研讨会,使他们能够就各自请求的相对优先级达成共识. 在这个密集的会议中, all 涉众 can work together to agree on a plan that charts the path forward.


让我们考虑一个常见的场景. A company’s product team found itself in a problematic situation with the company’s flagship product. 开发团队和架构师设定了一个具有挑战性的目标,将产品转移到基于云的平台上. 然而, progress was very slow because developers were busy with product feature enhancements and bug fixes. 有大量的技术债务需要偿还, which stifled the team’s ability to make improvements and proceed with their planned sprints. 同时, 涉众, who were all account managers and worked directly with end users, continued to request feature enhancements to satisfy the customers they represented. 尽管涉众知道开发团队只在项目可用时才从待办事项列表中提取项目, 利益相关者仍然感到被抛弃和忽视. Lead time was high for any request that was not an emergency, and firefighting was all too common. On top of that, stakeholders’ requests regularly were in conflict.

利益相关者很不高兴 感觉他们的要求大部分都被打入了黑洞. 他们的 顾客很沮丧 处理简单的bug报告和交付它们所要求的增强所花费的时间. 结果是, 开发团队感觉自己被拉向了许多方向,根本无法进行技术改进,以实现更快的周期和交付时间,以跟上涉众和用户的需求. 的 development team needed direction about where to focus its energy, 如何平衡技术债务和新请求, 以及如何安排工作的优先级.

的 product owner decided to put everyone in one room and see what happened.


第一步是获得利益相关者的支持. 在这种情况下, 产品负责人找到涉众的经理,并解释了提议的研讨会的好处. 他表示,目标是按照所有涉众都能同意的顺序对待办事项进行优先排序. 这些是卖点:

  • 节省时间
  • 推动合作
  • 调整沟通,这样每个人都能听到相同的信息,并对开发团队接下来要交付的内容有一个共同的理解
  • Giving stakeholders a forum where they can speak and be heard

为涉众提供结构化的, 在一个方便的论坛上,他们可以表达自己的需求,并相互协作,使他们能够更好地理解如何构建一个伟大的产品. 在我自己的工作中, I found that my stakeholders were far more likely to notify me of a request, 提供细节, and answer my questions after I hosted several 产品待办事项列表 prioritization workshops.


的 workshop’s ability to achieve its objectives is heavily influenced by who is in the room. 确保你邀请了所有相关专家:

  • Key stakeholders of the product: account managers, account director, customer service manager, etc.
  • 产品经理(或产品负责人)
  • Scrum master
  • 主题专家

Be sure to send out a detailed agenda ahead of time explaining what will be discussed and when. 这将为利益相关者提供一个事先提问或提出建议的机会,并使每个人在会议期间保持专注.


在参与者到达之前, prepare the meeting room so that participants can dive right into the workshop exercises. 首先,你要出示 产品待办事项列表 items on the wall—print out the backlog items or write them down on index cards.

Put the stickers with 产品待办事项列表 items on the wall so all participants can see them

这些卡片代表了您的团队计划在不久的将来实现的功能和改进. 把它们贴在会议室的墙上,按照当前的待办事项顺序排列——从优先级最高的一端到优先级最低的另一端. 准备好在投影仪或电视屏幕上显示更详细的请求描述和其他细节.


产品经理 练习的主要推动者是谁, monitoring the time and guiding prioritization by providing context from the product vision. 产品经理应该避免参与讨论,让利益相关者来决定优先级的设置. 在利益相关者同意一个决定之后, 产品经理仍然可以根据需要移动待办事项项,以适应随着时间的推移而出现的其他优先级. 产品 managers retain their decision-making power over the backlog, but this exercise helps them to gather information to make future 优先级决策.

如果一个scrum管理员参加了研讨会, 让他们在你促进活动的同时记下参与者对练习本身的反馈——这对未来的改进很有帮助. 主题专家参加研讨会,为利益相关者提供背景和其他信息.



In the first prioritizing stage, encourage the participants to decide what items are not critical. 把不重要的事情放在一边,可以让团队把宝贵的时间花在更重要的事情上. 如果仍然没有达成共识, a 产品经理 should suggest setting the item aside for a more in-depth discussion.

在第二个优先排序阶段, 帮助人们达成一致的一个好方法是利用努力影响矩阵——一个简单而强大的工具,可以促进小组对话,明确优先事项. Items that require the lowest effort for the highest impact rise to the top of the list, and items that require greater effort but will have a lower impact sink to the bottom. 您可以找到这种技术的几种变体 如何改进它.


If stakeholders keep moving a backlog item back and forth with no consensus, the 产品经理 should have the final say on its priority.

会议结束前, the 产品经理 should check in with the participants and ask for their final thoughts. 他们离开后, 确保对商定的请求进行编号或编码,以便您可以轻松地将它们转移到产品管理产品待办事项列表工具中——从一个作为最高优先级开始.


的 产品待办事项列表 workshop should be a regular meeting in your Scrum cycle, 它可以适用于看板团队的仪式. 如果你能在Scrum周期中进行这个练习, you will receive stakeholders’ priorities ahead of sprint planning. 对于看板团队来说, 研讨会可以每周进行一次,或者以任何最好的节奏来重新调整路线图,以确定看板列表的优先级.

为了我的团队, having a prioritization workshop every three weeks was sufficient to refresh the backlog’s priorities. 找到合适的节奏对研讨会的成功至关重要——确保你在参与者的需求和实际需求之间找到了一条微妙的界限. Check in regularly with participants about whether the current frequency meets their needs.

Also, create a channel for participants to provide feedback on the workshop. 有一个专门的人来记录研讨会未来的改进是很有帮助的——scrum管理员可以完美地胜任这个角色. Document the workshop’s improvements to show your dedication to achieving a smoother experience.

定期安排专门的研讨会来确定待办事项的优先级,可以在几个不同的层面上给公司带来好处. 产品 managers can use their time and resources more effectively and efficiently. 的 company can be more agile and achieve better results faster. 要求涉众尽早参与是一个非常强大的工具,可以获得他们对产品计划的支持,并获得有价值的反馈. 高管们还可以利用这个研讨会来评估战术和战略层面的优先事项,以促进员工与公司目标的一致, 团队过程, 以及整体的沟通.


  • What is the difference between 产品待办事项列表 and sprint backlog?

    产品待办事项列表和冲刺待办事项列表的区别在于它们实现的紧迫性:Scrum团队使用冲刺待办事项列表来开发即将到来的冲刺中最紧急的项目。, while the 产品待办事项列表 is a long-term master list of features, 其中一些可能永远不会进入实施阶段.

  • 为什么产品待办事项列表很重要?

    A 产品待办事项列表 is important because it lays out all the product’s potential features in one place so the development team can see them; it can also be used to set the expectations of product stakeholders.

  • 谁创建了待办事项列表?

    的 产品经理 is responsible for creating, prioritizing, and maintaining a 产品待办事项列表. 待办事项的请求来自各种来源:销售, QA团队, 客户支持, 产品利益相关者.

  • 谁对待办事项进行优先排序?

    A 产品经理 prioritizes the backlog and defines product direction. 的re are many sources for backlog requests, but often, they come from product stakeholders. 产品 managers have to find a consensus among stakeholders with sometimes conflicting requests, and a backlog prioritization workshop is the best way to do it.

  • 什么是好的产品待办事项列表?




验证专家 在项目管理方面




Chris is a passionate 敏捷 practitioner and a Waterfall professional.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.




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